Accidental visitors in Newfoundland

Last night, my husband, Peter, and I went to see the play “Come From Away.” I read about it last year, waited for the day tickets were available, and bought the very best cheap seats I could buy.

Friend always tries to grab the spotlight

DEAR HARRIETTE: My best friend always seems to need to be the center of attention. Her behavior is starting to cause a strain on our friendship, and I’m not sure how to address it without hurting her feelings. She is 25 years old, but her actions remind me more of a teenager who craves constant validation. Whenever we go out in a group or even in more intimate settings, she finds ways to turn the conversation back to herself, often interrupting others or downplaying their experiences.

It’s going to be a mighty long time before Nov. 5 rolls around. People all across the nation will be thinking the same thing with Election Day waiting in the wings. Four local political candidates will also echo those sentiments awaiting their fate at the ballot box.

The Eucharist is the sum and summary of our faith

Nancy Pelosi says, 'Every Sunday for me is hard,' in 'Being Catholic Now: Prominent Americans Talk About Change in the Church and the Quest for Meaning,' a 2008 collection edited by Kerry Kennedy, daughter of the late Robert Kennedy. Pelosi's sabbath difficulty has to do with the Eucharist, the Catholic belief that the bread and wine of Communion are transformed into the literal body and blood of Jesus Christ.

Worried about giving honest feedback

DEAR HARRIETTE: My friend recently opened a new restaurant, so my family and I visited this week to show our support. From the moment we walked in, it was clear that the restaurant was struggling. The service was chaotic, and it seemed like the staff members were either undertrained or overwhelmed. At one point, one of the servers accidentally spilled water all over my daughter, which made for a very uncomfortable situation. While accidents happen, this seemed to be just one of many issues we encountered that night. The food was another major disappointment. Since it’s an Italian restaurant, we were excited to try the pizza, which is supposed to be their specialty. However, when our pizza arrived, it was cold and slightly burnt, making it almost inedible. The other dishes we ordered were bland and did not live up to our expectations.

Lawfare turned into campaign ad

President Joe Biden’s reelection campaign has released a new ad that synopsizes the Democratic effort to use criminal charges and lawsuits against former President Donald Trump. “In the courtroom, we see Donald Trump for who he is,” the ad begins. “He’s been convicted of 34 felonies. Found liable for sexual assault. And he committed financial fraud.” Trump, the ad continues, is a “convicted criminal,” while Biden is “a president who’s fighting for your family.”

Smoking cigarettes cause oxygen debt

Hello, dear readers, and welcome to a bonus letters column. Our mailboxes are filling up fast, so we’ll get right down to your questions.
