DEAR HARRIETTE: I’m in the middle of planning my wedding, and as part of that, I’ve always dreamed of having a bachelorette trip with my closest friends in Italy. However, my bridesmaids, who I thought would be as excited as me, have expressed concerns about the trip.
Nearly lost in the week’s news – the nomination of an iconoclast to run the nation’s health agency who is at odds with the nation’s health experts, and an account of the former congressman chosen to be the chief law enforcement officer who, according to witnesses, had sex with a 17-year old near a pool – was a small item that has the potential of triggering a nuclear war.
DEAR HARRIETTE: My mom and dad were happy celebrating their 20th wedding anniversary. Everything seemed perfect until a few days later, when my dad became distant and cold toward my mom. She started noticing the changes in his behavior, and then she found out the truth: My father has been cheating on my mother and hiding a baby that resulted from his affair.
DEAR HARRIETTE: I am currently working hard to complete my MBA degree, but the people around me are telling me to stop because of financial constraints. They say I should take a break to avoid the stress and costs. I’ve been juggling work almost day and night to make this happen, determined to finish my degree. I even have plans to pursue a Ph.D. afterward, which is a dream I’ve had for a long time. It’s been challenging, but I believe it will be worth it in the end. Still, their constant discouragement is starting to wear on me. They think I’m pushing myself too hard and that I should settle for less. Should I keep going with my goals, or should I consider their advice and take a step back? – Pursuit Pressure DEAR PURSUIT PRESSURE: