In 1851, the first American edition of Herman Melville’s “Moby-Dick” was published.

Aging spurts stem from molecular changes

Dear Doctors: I always thought that your body ages gradually as you get older, kind of like your car does. But now I’ve been hearing that we actually go through a couple of spurts where we age really quickly. Can you please explain where this idea comes from?

Government has been warping history

In the last several days, the country has been making difficult history. In the past year, its government has been warping history.

Teen sister feels overwhelmed and stressed

DEAR HARRIETTE: I have a 16-yearold sister who is currently facing the challenges of being a high school student. With the pressure to excel academically and socially, she often feels overwhelmed and stressed, striving to meet the high expectations set by herself and others. I’ve noticed that this stress sometimes manifests as anxiety and mood swings, which can be difficult for her to manage. What can we possibly do to help her so that she doesn’t feel stressed out in school and in life? – Academic Anxieties DEAR ACADEMIC ANXIETIES: If there is a school counselor with whom she can talk, that would be great. Being able to express her fears and concerns to a neutral party can help her understand her feelings and manage them. Your parents may also want to get her a private therapist who can support her during this time. What’s key is having a professional she can trust to help her navigate what she’s experiencing.

There will be monks here in the morning

Ithink Jorge was telling me “There will be monks here tomorrow morning,” In Spanish, “monks” sounds like “monkeys” in English. But I was pretty sure we were not having monkeys over for breakfast.

We need to start thinking beyond politics, it won't save us

Imade a rookie mistake. I was in a hotel room in Ohio five days before the presidential election and I turned the TV on. MSNBC and CNN were all about the 'fascist' 'barbaric' Donald Trump, and Fox News seemed to be in another world.

Family wants to be sensitive while planning

DEAR HARRIETTE: My mother is turning 90 this year, and we are absolutely thrilled. As we have been planning her birthday celebration, it has occurred to me that I want to be sensitive to my friends who have lost their parents in recent years. We all grew up together, so I want to invite them to attend her party, but I don’t want to remind them of their own losses. My family and I feel so blessed to have our mother still and want to make this the happiest time for her and everyone who joins us. How should I handle this? – Love and Loss DEAR LOVE AND LOSS: First of all, blessings to you and your mother for reaching this milestone. Conflicted feelings about this celebration are understandable, so it is wise to proceed with tenderness. That said, I’m sure that your friends would be more hurt if you did not include them in your invitation list. If they and their parents were integral to your mother’s life as you grew up, they will appreciate the gesture.
