Communication challenges disrupt relationship

DEAR HARRIETTE: Am I being selfish for pointing out to my girlfriend that she will not always be the top priority in our relationship, which is a reality due to my commitments as a performer and dancer? Often, the group requires us to relocate to another state for monthslong event preparations, leaving me with limited communication time as production demands are intensive.

Pay no attention to the orange man

Iremember when a politician who expressed an easily debunked, conspiracy theory would be through in public life. Indeed, it took a whole lot less than that. Just 20 years ago, Democratic presidential candidate Howard Dean was more or less hounded out of the race after emitting what TV news producers deemed an inappropriately loud cheer at an Iowa campaign event.

D-Day almost stood for ‘disaster’

Now, as we approach the 80th anniversary of the D-Day invasion that began the liberation of Europe from Nazi control, let us praise an obscure woman.

After five years, boyfriend afraid to commit

DEAR HARRIETTE: I have a boyfriend of five years. Yes, you read that right: five years. I love him very much and have been waiting patiently for around four years for him to ask me to marry him. I know it sounds bad and I need to have more respect for myself, but I can’t see my life without him. His hesitation stems from his parents’ divorce when he was young, which has made him cautious about marriage. Despite our strong relationship, this fear seems to be holding him back from taking the next step. I’ve tried to be understanding and patient, but it’s becoming increasingly difficult for me to cope with the uncertainty and the waiting.

Controlling Congress counts, too

Happy Valley, Ore., population 23,733, played a small but significant role in American politics last week. That’s the hometown of Janelle Bynum, a state legislator who won the Democratic nomination for Congress against Rep. Lori Chavez-DeRemer, one of 17 vulnerable Republicans now representing districts carried by Joe Biden in 2020.

The weight tattoos hold on society

I’m about the only person I know without a tattoo. Well, this is not true. My parents don’t have tattoos, and I don’t think most of their friends do – although I’ve not done a close inspection. That would be hard to do, and probably not very polite.

Roommate doesn’t respect boundaries

DEAR HARRIETTE: My roommate has been repeatedly borrowing my clothes without permission and returning them stained or stretched out. I recently discovered that she also used my laptop without asking, leading to scratches on the screen and unauthorized downloads. Confronting her about these incidents makes me uncomfortable and anxious about potential conflicts. Unfortunately, moving out is not currently an option for me due to financial constraints. I just want to live in an environment where I do not need to check every little thing. – Disrespectful Roommate DEAR DISRESPECTFUL ROOMMATE: You and your roommate need to establish ground rules for living together. That should have occurred before you moved in, but here you are.

Harrison Butker and Catholic confusion about sacraments

E arly in the coronavirus pandemic, Catholic clergy – along with pastors in many other traditions – struggled with secular authorities or even their own leaders while trying to provide sacred rites at the heart of their faith.
