Study attempts to link keto diet and anxiety

Dear Doctors: I’ve been thinking about trying a keto diet. A friend had good results when she used it to lose weight. I was already worried so much fat would be bad for my health. Now I’ve read that a high-fat diet can cause anxiety. Is that true?

Boyfriend’s job worries hopeful future spouse

DEAR HARRIETTE: I’m 29 years old, and I’ve been dating my boyfriend for a few years now. We have a great relationship; however, his work-life balance has been an issue. My boyfriend works long hours and is often preoccupied with his job, even during our personal time together. While I understand that his career is important and allows him to provide for us financially, I’m worried about the future. I’ve always envisioned getting married and having children, and I want to start a family soon. Given his current work habits, will he be able to be present in our children’s lives or be an active partner in raising them?

Overprotectiveness challenges autonomy

DEAR HARRIETTE: I’ve been in a committed relationship for over seven years, but recently, my partner’s attitude toward my disability has shifted. As someone who uses a wheelchair due to a spinal injury, I’ve always appreciated my partner’s support. However, lately, they’ve started making decisions for me without consulting me, assuming I can’t handle certain tasks independently. For instance, they’ll rearrange plans, assuming venues aren’t wheelchair accessible, or speak for me in conversations about my needs. These actions make me feel sidelined and undermine my independence.

Trump calls out Biden’s big bluff

Until a week ago, President Joe Biden seemingly had the age issue under control. Yes, he had senior moments, some of which were quite severe, such as the episode at the White House Juneteenth concert in which he weirdly froze for two minutes, silent, eyes fixed straight ahead, body absolutely motionless. But commentary on such moments was mostly confined to a few news outlets; much of the White House press corps seemed to accept the Biden press handlers’ explanation that the stories were “cheap fakes” created by Republicans to hurt the president politically. It’s hard to understand why any observant reporter would accept such an explanation, but some did.

In 1775, George Washington assumed command of the Continental Army.

128 years since an election like this

On one side is a lifetime politician who has spent almost a half-century in elected office; on the other side is a relative political newcomer who disdains the political experience that his rival has accumulated. On one side is a leader who has respect for the conventional practices of politics; on the other is a leader whose entire identity is wrapped up in destroying the conventional. On one side is an elderly man who believes that past practices are adaptable to contemporary circumstances; on the other is an elderly man whose campaign is based on defiance of past practices. On one side is a political veteran who by virtue of longevity and, now, inclination, is an establishment figure; on the other is an outsider who has contempt for the inside game.

Being present is one way to help a friend

Dear Doctors: My friend was diagnosed with multiple myeloma 10 years ago. His chemo is no longer working, and his doctors say there’s nothing else to be done. He has accepted whatever is coming. He has lost weight, and sometimes the pain is bad. How can I help him?

Tech worker weighs resignation

DEAR HARRIETTE: I’ve dedicated nearly a decade to the tech industry, diligently working for the same company. Recently, however, I’ve felt increasingly dissatisfied and unfulfilled in my role. Despite my apprehensions, I gathered the courage to draft a resignation letter. Now, uncertainty clouds my thoughts. What if I struggle to secure another position in this competitive field? Will I regret leaving behind the stability and routine I’ve relied on for so long? Balancing these concerns with my current living situation – a mortgage to pay and a growing family of four to support – makes this decision even more daunting. I would appreciate any advice you could offer in this career crossroads. – Uncertain in My Career DEAR UNCERTAIN IN MY CAREER: Take a pause before you do anything. I recommend that you do your research to determine what you want to do next. Is there another company that interests you in your field? Perhaps you can find excitement for your work if you take your talents to a different company that may value you more. You should look for a job while you still have your current job. I do not think you should resign without finding another job first.
