Here's a look at Thursday's headlines

- City Council backs budget for new year

- Davis-McElmurry funds help Clinton students

- Southwestern receives $5 million gift from alumnus

- Rodriguez kept her focus on state

Sequoyah novels

Clinton Public Library Assistant Kayde Whitney places a few Sequoyah books of the year onto a shelf for people to read. CDN

The Clinton City Council unanimously approved Clinton’s 2021-2022 fiscal year budget, three tourism grants and authorized the city attorney to begin work on the lease renewal of property near the wastewater treatment plant Tuesday during its regular meeting.

Davis-McElmurry funds help Clinton students

Approximately $30,000 has been gifted to Clinton Public Schools from the Davis-McElmurry Trust this year. The Davis-McElmurry Trust has had a positive impact on CPS by providing financial resources to students preparing to go to college. A total of $468,957.67 has been donated to the Clinton Public School Foundation since 2007.

Legislation that requires sexual assault survivors receive information on trauma care sooner has been signed into law by the governor.

Making kites

Miguel Esquivel, left, and Deegen Goucher, create kites during Summer Playground.

Conducted a follow-up in the vicinity of 10365 N. 2270 Road.

In 1963, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that requiring the recitation of Bible verses and the Lord’s Prayer in public schools is unconstitutional.
