Physcians consider factors before cancer treatment

Treatment for breast cancer is often successful. For example, data from the American Society of Clinical Oncology indicates that the fiveyear survival rate for women diagnosed with non-metastatic invasive breast cancer is 90 percent, while the average 10-year survival rate for such cancers is 84 percent.

Some breast cancer risk factors can be controlled

No one, regardless of their age, occupation, skin color, or socioeconomic status, is immune to cancer. In fact, individuals might be hard pressed to say no one in their family and/or circle of friends has been diagnosed with cancer at some point.

Physical activity helps women reduce cancer risk

Breast cancer is a complex disease that affects millions of women across the globe each year. Though the American Cancer Society reports that only about 4 percent of women diagnosed with breast cancer in the United States are under age 40, women of all ages can take steps to protect themselves against this deadly disease.

What is the future of motherhood in U.S., world?

The decision to have children has always struck “ me as an essentially selfish one: You choose, out of a desire for fulfillment or self-betterment or curiosity or boredom or baby-mania or peer pressure, to bring a new human into this world. And it has never seemed more selfish than today."

In an age in which satire and news often overlap, it was hard to know what to make of this headline: "New York Atheists Claim Religious Exemption From Vaccine After Governor Claims That It's From God."

Trisha Yearwood on making jerky, bacon straws and wontons

(AP) — Trisha Yearwood is a collard greens kind of gal, but her husband, Garth Brooks, is definitely not a collard greens kind of guy. So she had to be a little sly when it came time to perfect her Collard-Stuffed Wontons.

Recovery process helps patients ‘get back to normal’

The American Cancer Society reports that the five-year survival rate for all cancers combined that were diagnosed between 2009 and 2015 was 67 percent. That’s a noteworthy and encouraging statistic, though global figures compiled by indicate that fiveyear survival rates following diagnosis are significantly lower in poorer countries. In addition, the road to recovery for cancer patients typically does not end when treatments are completed.

Surgical patients 65 and older have risk of postoperative complications

Dear Doctor: Can you please talk about the risks to older patients with comorbidities when they're going to have surgery? My sister, who was older and ailing, had a joint replacement surgery. It was done by a very good surgeon and at a good hospital, but she didn't survive to walk again.

Mom blabs daughter’s secret to friends

DEAR HARRIETTE: I'm a 30-year-old woman who has a great relationship with both of my parents. I recently confided in my mother about something that I wasn't ready to tell my dad. Earlier this week, I found out that my mother spilled my secret to not only my father, but also to a few of her close friends whom I don't speak to very often. I'm furious with my mother. How should I handle this? – Big-Mouth Mother
