Today is the 27th day of 2024 and the 38th day of winter.

Marching for Life is important for all of humanity

The late former New York City mayor Ed Koch wrote in 1989, 'My mother told me that she tried to induce a miscarriage by jumping off chairs and trunks.' He explained that she had told him she had several abortions in her life. 'We were very poor. The prospect of another mouth to feed posed serious problems,' he wrote.

Trump vs. Haley: Could the polls be wrong?

Everything that everyone says about the New Hampshire Republican presidential primary is shaped by the polls showing Donald Trump far ahead of Nikki Haley. The former president leads the former governor by 19.3 points, 55.8% to 36.5%, in the RealClear-Politics average of polls. There are a few polls that look like outliers, like one showing Trump 27 points ahead. But the cluster of polls showing Trump between 14 and 18 points in the lead looks like it’s the center of things.

Creatine supplements can help build muscle mass

Dear Doctors: I'm a 36-year-old woman, and recently I began lifting weights to get stronger. A trainer at my gym has been saying that taking a creatine supplement could be helpful for that. What is creatine, and what does it do?

Woman wants to balance work, personal time

DEAR HARRIETTE: Being a single woman working in a corporate environment, I often find myself on extended work trips. While these trips are crucial for my career, I struggle to maintain a sense of balance between my work life and my personal life. How can I ensure that I take time for self-care, relaxation and personal activities while away on these demanding work trips? Additionally, what strategies or routines can I implement to stay connected with loved ones back home and prevent burnout from the constant travel demands? — The Corporate Life DEAR THE CORPORATE LIFE:

The comfort of cows, security in herd

When the weather gets really awful, as it normally does in January around here, I find myself yearning for the companionship of cows. 'Around here' is Arkansas, where my wife and I lived on a cattle farm in Perry County for nine years until her eyesight went bad and we had to move back to town.

Complicated grief extends time to heal

Dear Doctors: My mother and stepfather were married for 42 years when he passed away suddenly. That was a year ago, and she’s still struggling. I talked to my doctor about it, and he said it sounds like “complicated grief.” I’ve never heard of that. What can we do to help her?

Reader on health journey searches for accountability

DEAR HARRIETTE: Embarking on a health journey in the new year, I’m feeling apprehensive about my lack of expertise in fitness and clean eating. Though I thrive with accountability, I’m embarrassed to ask friends and coworkers to support me. Can you suggest strategies for finding an accountability partner without feeling vulnerable or shy about my fitness journey? — Looking for a Partner DEAR LOOKING FOR A PARTNER: Congratulations on being serious about your health and fitness.
