CPD’s first female supervisor

Clinton Police Department School Resource Officer Lacey Hulett was promoted Monday evening to the rank of sergeant. Police Chief Paul Rinkel congratulated Hulett and thanked her for her service to the community.

Helping Clinton look nice

Tradarius Hester does his part in sprucing up downtown Clinton by washing windows on Frisco Avenue. CDN

Memorial service will honor CHS alum

On Aug. 18, 1971, Clinton High School alumnus Eddie Nichols and 36 other U.S. soldiers were killed in what is considered to be the worst training accident for American forces in Europe since the end of World War II.

In 1914, Germany invaded Belgium, prompting Great Britain to declare war on Germany.

Responded to a business alarm at 23584 E. 880 Road, Thomas.

U.S. Sen. James Lankford (R-OK) joined colleagues to introduce legislation that would codify the Trump-era Navigable Waters Protection Rule in light of the Biden Environmental Protection Agency and U.S. Army Corps of Engineers promising to replace it.

DEAR HARRIETTE: I haven't seen my camp friend from California in over two years –partially because of the pandemic. She recently reached out to me and said she would be in New York for a few days. She asked me if I wanted to grab dinner.

Dear Doctor: I know you recently talked about sleep problems, but I’m having trouble and hope another question is OK. I read that some foods make it harder for you to sleep well. What are they? If you cut them out of your diet, will you start sleeping better?
