Today is the 236th day of 2021 and the 66th day of summer.

Responded to a report of cattle out on I-40 eastbound, mile marker 63.

Here's a look at the Weekend's headlines

- First week of school called a success

- Clinton farmer’s market underway

- Listak enjoys serving familiar faces at Café Clinton

- Lady Reds win first two at tourney

- CHS sweeps Bulldogs

Moseying about

Traffic Friday morning ground to a halt on I-40, as this cow got loose and decided to take a stroll on the interstate. First-responders attempted to corral the cow and keep both her and motorists safe from harm.

First week of

The first week of school has ended across the Clinton Public School District. Superintendent Tyler Bridges said there are currently 2,067 students enrolled in the district.

Clinton farmer’s market underway

Every Saturday during the months of June through September Michelle Young coordinates the Clinton public farmer’s market.
