After moving, friend wants to reconnect over Zoom

DEAR HARRIETTE: I used to hang out with a group of women from my neighborhood, and we formed a real bond over the years. My husband and I downsized last year to a smaller home in my home state. While I think we made the right decision financially, I am so lonely. I miss my friends and our genuine camaraderie. I want to get us together and had the thought of inviting them to a Zoom cocktail party with me. They could be at their individual homes or all together, like we used to do, with me on camera. Do you think that would be too much of an imposition? That’s one thing I liked during the pandemic — we figured out how to be together from a distance. I don’t want to be too pushy, though. — Need To Connect DEAR NEED TO CONNECT: I bet your friends miss you as much as you miss them. By all means, suggest that you create a virtual cocktail party with them. Ideally, everyone would be in their own homes. That way, everybody gets a chance to talk, and they are all focused on the screen. Sometimes when one person is virtual and the rest are not, the in-person party can be distracting and draw people away from the person who isn’t in the room. If it turns out to be a big gathering with you added in, suggest that the first hour be focused on all of you talking to one another. Then you can sign off and they can continue.

Global South starts cutting ties with Canterbury

After a half-century of decline, the U.S. Episcopal Church has 1.5 million members, and its average weekly attendance was just above 500,000 before COVID-19 and 300,000 afterward.

Inverse psoriasis occurs in areas of folded skin

Dear Doctors: I have been diagnosed with inverse psoriasis in the area of my groin. My dermatologist has prescribed clobetasol propionate ointment to be used twice a day. The skin in that area bleeds easily, and physical contact is painful. Please explain this condition and if there is a cure.

Consultant recognizes facilitator’s hard work

DEAR HARRIETTE: I am a business consultant. I worked with a new team this week and got to observe the program facilitator up close. She did an outstanding job taking care of her team and making sure that the environment was conducive to a positive outcome.

Today is the 126th day of 2023 and the 48th day of spring.


Receiving awards for being in the upper 3 percent of the nation’s graduating high school students were (front row, left to right) Jon Paden, DeAnna Davis, Jackie Rightnowar, Kristin King, (back row) Jay Richert, Paul Howell, Alan Dick, Jeff Shadle and Eric Schumacher. Not pictured were Glynn Walker, Amy Warner and Jesse Vasquey.

Recession and the 2024 campaign

For more than two years now, Republicans have been predicting that President Joe Biden’s big-spending policies will crash the U.S. economy into recession. It hasn’t happened yet, although the country did experience two consecutive quarters of negative economic growth – a widely accepted definition of recession – in the first and second quarters of 2022. But the economy climbed back into positive growth territory in the next quarter and has stayed there since.
