Discovering my happy place at my desk

Ihave a sticker that says “My Happy Place,” and I kept it for a while, wondering where to put it. In the end, I stuck it near my desk so I could see it while I write. I am usually happy when I’m writing.

Son should contribute while home for summer

DEAR HARRIETTE: My son is coming home from college soon, and I want him to do more than just sleep and hang out with his friends all summer. I have encouraged him to get a job, but he hasn’t made any inquiries yet. I know I am going to be fire-breathing mad if he does what is his normal: nothing.

In 1940, British Prime Minister Winston Churchill gave his “blood, toil, tears and sweat” speech to the British House of Commons as Germany’s conquest of France began.

NEW YORK (AP) — Through more than 200 years, the Sisters of Charity of New York nursed Civil War casualties, joined civil rights and anti-war demonstrations, cared for orphans, and taught countless children.

Friend can’t stop putting herself down

DEAR HARRIETTE: My friend is constantly putting herself down. She cannot seem to take a compliment. Even when she gives compliments to others, she follows them with a put-down comment about herself and how inadequate she is in comparison. It’s really frustrating and heartbreaking to hear. She’s been in therapy for a while now, but clearly it isn’t helping her self-esteem.

Most don’t believe Biden fit to serve

President Joe Biden was born Nov. 20, 1942. That has been a well-known fact, or at least a widely available fact, since Biden entered national politics a half-century ago. The fact that Biden is 80 years old now, and that he will be 82 when the next presidential term begins, and that he will be 86 when that term ends – all that has been known at all times surrounding Biden’s campaigns and presidency.
