Colorful notes

Camdyn Yadon, a first grader at Nance Elementary, draws in her notebook during Kelly Stephens’ class time. CDN

Southwestern Oklahoma State University’s Rural Health Center has achieved the Center for Disease Control and Prevention’s full recognition for the university’s Diabetes Prevention Program on the Weatherford campus.

Bibles and games

First Baptist Church member, Logan West, waits for the ball to bounce three times so he can be the first to strike in a game of Ga-ga ball. CDN

Anger, fear fuel conspiracy theories

This just in: There's no wizard behind the curtain, and nobody's actually in charge. There's no shadowy cabal of billionaires scheming to bring about one-world government. To begin with, nobody clever enough to accumulate that much money believes that such a thing is A) remotely possible, or B) even desirable.

Leadership elections

After each WOCS candidate presented a leadership speech, the student body casted their votes and the Student Council officers are from left, Vice President August Dobrinski, Secretary Makarah Foster, and President Esme Jones.
