Camdyn Yadon, a first grader at Nance Elementary, draws in her notebook during Kelly Stephens’ class time. CDN
State Rep. Todd Russ, R-Cordell, hosted an interim study recently at the State Capitol focusing on potential changes to how subsidies are paid to childcare centers throughout the state.
Southwestern Oklahoma State University’s Rural Health Center has achieved the Center for Disease Control and Prevention’s full recognition for the university’s Diabetes Prevention Program on the Weatherford campus.
Voters will decide on State Question 814 when they go to the polls on Nov. 3.
This just in: There's no wizard behind the curtain, and nobody's actually in charge. There's no shadowy cabal of billionaires scheming to bring about one-world government. To begin with, nobody clever enough to accumulate that much money believes that such a thing is A) remotely possible, or B) even desirable.