0 EAR ABBY: I have carried a worn clipping of your “Definition of Maturity” with me for many years because it has been inspirational to me. I even gave a copy of it to my younger brother.
ear Doctor: I’ve had lower back pain for years, and nothing has helped. I’ve tried physical therapy, yoga and chiropractors, and I’ve even contemplated surgery. My sister suggests something called the Alexander technique. What do you think? I’m willing to try anything, but I don’t want to chase after treatments that aren’t useful.
DEAR HARRIETTE: One of my friends told me about this guy that she has been dating for a while. She really likes his company and how much of a gentleman he is. The only downside is that he smells. I asked if he had any religious restrictions to washing, and she said he doesn’t. She says his odor is so bad, it fills up a room and people avoid them. It sounded a bit extreme, but now she’s saying that it’s hard to be near him, and she is starting to be selfconscious. She worries that she smells bad when she’s around him. This is a bit rough, but now that I think about it, how do you tell a person they smell bad in a nice way? Is there any way my friend can nicely tell her date about his body odor? — What to Say
1 he coronavirus went from China, Italy and the state of Washington to something that put Oklahoma in the world headlines on Wednesday.
flEAR ABBY: My husband and I have been married 30 years. I recently retired, and we are planning a cruise to Europe and a twomonth stay, returning on the same cruise line. The cruise line is rather posh, and travelers are asked to “dress appropriately” — which means, essentially, men should wear a jacket to dinner (no tie required).