Friend shares opinion about boyfriend

DEAR HARRIETTE: A friend of mine is in a relationship, and in my opinion, her partner is not good to her. From what she tells me and what I observe, he seems selfish, abrasive, cheap and not affectionate or protective of her. At a social event, he asked me jokingly why it feels like I don’t like him. I gave him a serious answer – a diluted version of my thoughts on how he treats my friend. I did not disrespect him or raise my voice, and although he initiated this conversation, my friend is upset with me for sharing my opinion with him. Was I wrong? – Crossing the Line DEAR CROSSING THE LINE:

Elizabeth Ko, M.D.

Dear Doctors: I know that high-fiber foods keep your gut microbiome healthy. But I just saw on the news that spending a lot of time in nature is also really helpful. Do you know if that is true?

Partner seems inattentive toward his kids

DEAR HARRIETTE: At the beginning of last year, I met the man of my dreams. He continues to amaze me in more ways than one: He prioritizes me; he’s really considerate and affectionate; he’s accomplished and ambitious; AND he’s hilarious. Lately, though, I’ve been having some concerns about what our future will look like. He has three children from a previous marriage.

Holiday illness leads to family tension

DEAR HARRIETTE: I have two young daughters. One is 3 years old, and the other is just 8 months old. I invited my sister to stay with us during the holiday season because she lives far away and the rest of our family is in Delaware.

Elizabeth Ko, M.D.

Dear Doctors: I am 72 years old and have started to have problems with dry eyes. It’s not all the time, but at some point each day, my eyes will suddenly get very dry. It’s even hard to blink. What causes that? Those lubricating drops help, but only for a little while.

Weight-loss resolutions can be tough to tackle

DEAR HARRIETTE: I am one of those people who tries to make a New Year’s resolution just about every year. As you might imagine, it doesn’t usually work. I stay focused for a week or so, but something always distracts me.

Elizabeth Ko, M.D.

Dear Doctors: My sister and I are roommates, and we are both back to in-person work. We keep getting sick because co-workers with the flu won’t stay home and aren’t careful. I doubt we are the only ones wishing for a code of good behavior for when you’re sick. Can you talk about that?

Daughter hopes to help mom declutter home

DEAR HARRIETTE: Ever since I was a child, my mom never liked to throw anything away, whether it was old clothes, expired food, broken appliances or even random junk mail. At the time, I thought it was just her being quirky or frugal, but as I’ve gotten older, I’ve realized it’s much more than that.
