DEAR HARRIETTE: A friend of mine is in a relationship, and in my opinion, her partner is not good to her. From what she tells me and what I observe, he seems selfish, abrasive, cheap and not affectionate or protective of her. At a social event, he asked me jokingly why it feels like I don’t like him. I gave him a serious answer – a diluted version of my thoughts on how he treats my friend. I did not disrespect him or raise my voice, and although he initiated this conversation, my friend is upset with me for sharing my opinion with him. Was I wrong? – Crossing the Line DEAR CROSSING THE LINE:
DEAR HARRIETTE: At the beginning of last year, I met the man of my dreams. He continues to amaze me in more ways than one: He prioritizes me; he’s really considerate and affectionate; he’s accomplished and ambitious; AND he’s hilarious. Lately, though, I’ve been having some concerns about what our future will look like. He has three children from a previous marriage.