Here's your preview of Saturday's CDN

- Senior Lifestyles Coverage

- City files response to hospital suit

- Cleanup efforts welcomed

- Facility still adapting to changing times

- Free backpack giveaway set

- Devon Mitchell returns to his passion

Latest news on gut microbiome

Dear Doctors: It seems like news about the gut microbiome keeps getting weirder. I just read about a doctor who said the new trend will be each of us storing our own poop for the future. What would be the advantage of doing that? And why is the gut microbiome in the news so often?

Employee wants to work with new boss

DEAR HARRIETTE: I have a new boss, and I feel like this is a new opportunity. For two years I worked with a woman who always talked over me and rarely listened. I stuck around because I liked the company and needed the job. I think if I share my ideas with my new boss and show her how much of an asset I can be to the business, she may begin to see me differently from how the old one did. My question is whether I should mention to her what didn't work well with my previous boss. I don't want to come off as a complainer, but she was horrible. What do I say if she asks me directly about her? – New Boss

Attorneys for the Clinton Hospital Authority (one of the trust authorities the City Council oversees) filed an answer, counterclaim and application for temporary and permanent injunction Thursday in federal court in response to legal action previously filed by AllianceHealth Clinton in regard to it ending operations at the local hospital.


The City of Clinton is encouraging citizens to give back to the community in ways they see fit as summer comes to an end and the weather begins to cool. While there are no specific community-wide projects scheduled, City Manager Robert Johnston says there are plenty of ways people can help out.

Facility still adapting

Even though the Covid-19 pandemic has begun to wane, its effects will be felt for years to come, especially in places like River Valley Skilled Nursing and Therapy located at 2400 W. Modelle Ave. in Clinton where it is still very much a threat to residents and staff and adapting to the changing times is vital.

The Ministerial Alliance of Clinton will be hosting a backpack drive from 5:30 p.m. to 6:30 this upcoming Wednesday at McLain Rogers Park. They will be giving away free backpacks filled with school supplies to students getting ready to go back to school.
