Making space for those that matter

“We are cleaning up our stuff," Meschack, the tile layer who now more or less permanently resides in our home, informed me. "We are giving you more space."

It’s possible to give up single-use plastic water bottles and find filtered water.

Finishing art

Clinton High School art student Myra Whitney decides to finish up working on a drawing of rain drops outside. CDN

(AP) – The COVID-19 patient’s health was deteriorating quickly at a Michigan hospital, but he was having none of the doctor’s diagnosis. Despite dangerously low oxygen levels, the unvaccinated man didn’t think he was that sick and got so irate over a hospital policy forbidding his wife from being at his bedside that he threatened to walk out of the building.

Asking for a little spirit

Clinton cheerleaders clap to get the crowd pumped up during a road game. Pictured in front, from left, are Arissa Wraspir, Evelyn Ponce, Kenzie Rounds; back row, Jessie Allen and Kyleigh DePesa. Clinton will play Friday at home against Cache.

Here's a look at the Weekend headlines

- New CEO has five-year plan for hospital

- Clinton women united by salad supper event

- Hemingway goes from cutting hair to cutting deals

- Lady Indians handle business

- Lady Reds resume play today

New CEO has five-year plan for hospital

AllianceHealth Clinton’s new chief executive officer, Tracy Bryers, has big plans for the hospital’s future. His five-year goal is to “expand both primary and specialty care-based services” provided by the hospital.
