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DEAR HARRIETTE: My husband worked really late the other day. I called him throughout the day to make sure he was OK and to share a cheerful word or two.

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President Trump was elected largely on the issue of Hispanic immigration. It's an issue that resonates with a large number of voters, who tell pollsters that it's a major concern – greater than the economy.

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Ijust bought a new printer on Amazon. I ordered it yesterday afternoon, and it arrived before noon today. The big question is how can they get it to my home in less than 24 hours?

The Oklahoma Cattlemen’s Association (OCA) Board of Directors approved a Directive at the General Business Meeting held during the 2019 Annual OCA Convention to consider increasing the brand registration fee and renewal fee to $40 beginning in 2020.

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DEAR ABBY: I’ve been best friends with “Mary” since we were 13. We’re 23 now. We tell each other everything and are as close as sisters. We went to high school together, but I graduated and Mary dropped out in senior year with the intention of finishing up later. She never did.

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Dear Doctor: I’m 95 and was recently diagnosed with dementia. The doctor recommended a pill, but it’s not a cure. I don’t want to go through that illness for years, as it would be too hard on my daughter. Do you have any other suggestions? I do word search puzzles all the time.
