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I saw a news report that some educational venue is offering a course in “adulting” to 20-somethings, because it seems that there are a bunch of 29-year-olds out there who don’t know how to run a dishwasher or make a cup of coffee.

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There's an important political lesson here in the soft green hills of this state. Over centuries, Vermont has held to its traditions. Its communities govern themselves through town meetings in the slushy first week of March, when often it is treacherous to venture outside.

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Dear Doctor: Our family loves the summer barbecue season, but the “take the fun out of everything” lobby keeps saying this can increase our risk of cancer. Just how unhealthy is grilled meat? Can we do anything to make it safer?

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DEAR HARRIETTE: Thanks for addressing teen suicide. If a teen says he or she is suicidal, has a plan and has the means to complete that plan, then he or she should be hospitalized. These criteria are objective.

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DEAR ABBY: My husband and I are expecting a baby in a few months. My father and his wife asked if we would like a large crib/changingtable/shelf combination they took a fancy to at an antique store. I politely refused and explained that there is no space in our small apartment.

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DEAR ABBY: I am very close to my 19-year-old son. He is kind, sweet and big-hearted. He has learning disabilities and the maturity level of probably a 15- or 16-year-old.

When it comes to staying safe on the roads - whether you’re traveling cross-country or just across town - routinely checking the condition of your tires can be imperative. While

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DEAR ABBY: Around 12 years ago, I helped out an old friend I’ll call Patty by creating an author website for her. I have maintained it for her ever since. She is grateful and gives me a gift every once in a while to show her appreciation.
