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DEAR ABBY: My sister “Thea” has distanced herself from the family. I understand why she did. Our parents were mentally, physically and emotionally abusive while we were growing up, with

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DEAR ABBY: I was married to my first husband for 13 years and was very close to his family. His parents and sister were like my own. We ended up divorcing, and it was an extremely painful situation on both sides.

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DEAR HARRIETTE: My family has lost the desire to go to church. We recently moved to a new home and have yet to find a church that suits us. The issue is that no one is making an effort to find a good option around us.

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Dear Doctor: My granddaughters are absolutely crazy about soccer. They’re constantly trying to outdo each other with their maneuvers, and now one is trying to learn to “head” the ball. But isn’t that dangerous, especially for girls?

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Every month, I and most other business owners have to go online and submit a payroll withholding report to the fine folks at the IRS.

Then they rummage around my checking account in search of however much money is stated in the report.
