Fear keeps jittery driver from getting a license

DEAR ABBY: I am trying hard to let go of my paralyzing fear of driving, which has prevented me from getting a license. I am not sure why I get so nervous and afraid when I get behind the wheel. I really need a car to get my family and myself around. I just wish I knew what was causing this.

It’s possible to catch flu even with a flu shot

Dear Doctor: I got a flu shot this fall, but I still got sick. Why did this happen? Dear Reader: Considering how this year’s flu season is shaping up, we’re not surprised by your question.


There are things we really like about the upcoming school bond proposal and there are things we sure wish had been done differently.

But to us it has become less about the bumpy road that was taken and more about the destination.

If I'm going to be completely honest, I cried a little as I listened to Donald Trump speak at the 47th March for Life, a massive annual pro-life rally in Washington, D.C. The tears were caused by a combination of things, including lack of sleep, I'm sure.

Dear Editor,

George Orwell comes to Clinton!

At City Hall, we now have a portable camera that “tells” if we have current insurance on our vehicles or not.

This was to solve the problem of us having a higher than average rate of uninsured motorists.

Dear Citizens of Clinton:

I am grateful to be living in a town where there is so much passion about how to improve our schools.

A place where people really do care for one another. It saddens me to see caring people attacking one another over the bond issue.
