Residents of nursing homes, assisted living centers or residential care facilities may have common complaints such as quality of food served, temperature of the facility, lack of engaging activities, concerns about finances or how staff interacts with residents. Concerns are as varied as the population of the facilities, but once all the information is in place, remediation of most complaints is easy.

Man facing second divorce mulls reunion with first wife

DEAR ABBY: I was married to a wonderful, beautiful woman when we were much younger. We got married because of an unplanned pregnancy. After some years, we both had grown in different directions, and we divorced. We remained friends even after I remarried.

Friends want kids to stay with same race

ar DEAR HARRIETTE: I hung out with some friends and got an earful. My friends said that even though their children go to a predominantly white school, they have told their children that they had better not bring any white girls home as a date or to marry. They were adamant about this, completely unapologetic in their belief that their black children had better marry black. They went on to talk about the history of racism and segregation in our country as reasons for why they want their children to stick with their own. While I understand their point, I don’t like this attitude and don’t think it’s fair, considering that they have surrounded their kids with white people. What is your opinion on this? — Racial Lines

Moving to assisted living doesn’t have to be traumatic

Dear Doctor: I’m 19 years old, and I switched to a vegan diet six months ago. I’m careful about getting enough vitamin B12. However, some of my girlfriends say it’s not that important and your body makes all the B12 you need. Is that true?

Fear keeps jittery driver from getting a license

DEAR ABBY: I am trying hard to let go of my paralyzing fear of driving, which has prevented me from getting a license. I am not sure why I get so nervous and afraid when I get behind the wheel. I really need a car to get my family and myself around. I just wish I knew what was causing this.

It’s possible to catch flu even with a flu shot

Dear Doctor: I got a flu shot this fall, but I still got sick. Why did this happen? Dear Reader: Considering how this year’s flu season is shaping up, we’re not surprised by your question.
