He taught you many things like how to turn a wrench and how to check your tire pressure. He also instructed you to hold the door open for people and always say, “Thank you,” when someone does something for you.

Joe Biden and the powerless presidency

There’s no doubt inflation is the nation’s most pressing concern. All the polls show it. All the data show it. And everyone just personally knows it.

Hey, MAGA folks: define ‘great’

So, here’s my question for the MAGA crowd – one of several related questions, actually: When was America last great, and what was great about it? Also, when did it quit being great, and why?

Our kids these days are in crisis

My former student left her job to care for two young children, and now that they’re adolescents, I asked if she was going to resume her career. “No,” she replied as tears welled in her eyes. “My children are a mess.”

The City of Clinton is in the process of finalizing its new budget that will go into effect July 1. Like every city budget it will have items that we wish had larger allocations and others that leave us wondering why so much money is needed.

Things change when Biden barges in

There's something remarkable about the gun debate that has arisen in the aftermath of the school shooting in Uvalde, Texas. Compared to years past, the argument on Capitol Hill is somewhat muted. Yes, members of the House of Representatives are yelling at each other, but that's nothing unusual. But in the Senate, where the real work on a gun deal is going on, the talk is quiet and the anticipation low. At least, until President Joe Biden jumped into it.

New client disparages hairdresser’s prices

DEAR HARRIETTE: I am a self-employed hairdresser. A little while ago, I gave an acquaintance a new-client discount because I am good friends with the girl who referred me to her. Not long after, she complained to our mutual friend that I overcharged her for my services. What I charge is very reasonable considering what other hairdressers in the area charge, plus I gave her a 25% discount even though I hardly know her. She tried to book with me again recently, and I declined because she slandered my business. Was it unprofessional of me to turn her away? – Entitled Client


•For most gas-powered automobiles, there's no need to use premium gasoline – unless the automaker's user guide requires it. When your car requires premium gas, the added expense means it's even more important to avoid aggressive driving and speeding. Not only does this type of driving significantly reduce fuel efficiency, it's also been proven that those who drive their cars in this way really don't get to their destinations any faster.

One go-to argument some Second Amendment proponents cite against stronger gun safety laws is how our nation trusts 18-yearolds in the military to handle weapons of war.
