Valentines raise Veterans’ quality of life

Madella Shelton from the Veterans of Foreign Wars has placed boxes at several Clinton locations for community members to drop off a valentine card or letter for local veterans throughout the month of February.

TORONTO (AP) – The truck blockade by Canadians protesting the country’s COVID-19 restrictions is tightening the screws on the auto industry, forcing Ford, General Motors and other car companies to shut down plants or otherwise reduce production on both sides of the U.S. border.

Responded to a medical assist at 22678 N. Rt. 66.

Responded to a medical call in the 500 block of N. 10 St., Thomas.

Southwestern Oklahoma State University has scheduled the dedication of the General Thomas P. Stafford Archives for Friday, March 11, at 2 p.m. at the Al Harris Library at SWOSU Weatherford.

OKLAHOMA CITY (AP) — During the early stages of the coronavirus pandemic, the Oklahoma State Department of Health spent more than $5.4 million on personal protective equipment and other supplies that the state has no record of receiving, according to an investigative audit released on Wednesday.

WASHINGTON (AP) – Inflation soared over the past year at its highest rate in four decades, hammering American consumers, wiping out pay raises and reinforcing the Federal Reserve’s decision to begin raising borrowing rates across the economy.

air a common cause of nosebleeds, especially in children

Dear Doctors: Our 7-year-old daughter has been getting a few nosebleeds each month. It started last fall, and the school nurse thinks it's from dry air. This has been scary for her, and I wonder what can be done to make them stop. Is this something to be concerned about?
