Here's your preview of the Weekend CDN


- Hospital may be over year from opening

- Downtown preps for Bunny Hop

- Javorsky new rep for Lucas

-Lady Indians deliver 5-2 win over Hobart


So many books!

Isabella Rios, left, and Natalie Medrano take a look at some of the books for sale at Southwest Elementary’s Book Fair, which will be held from

Downtown preps for Bunny Hop

With warmer weather and summer on the way, the Clinton Chamber of Commerce has a plethora of events for the community in the coming weeks including the annual Bunny Hop, the Clinton Carnival and the first night of Friends on Frisco.

Triple roll

Nobody was believed to be seriously injured in this rollover crash around 4 p.m. Thursday near mile marker 74 on Interstate 40. The truck was pulling a travel trailer and an ATV on a smaller trailer behind it. Emergency responders said the occupants claimed the wind caused the rollover.

Javorsky new rep for Lucas

Congressman Frank Lucas recently announced an addition to his district office staff following the hiring of Wesley Javorsky as field representative.

MARRIAGE LICENSES Emanuel-Nicolae Esanu and Christi Dawn Vanhuss Ryan James Terry and Dani Gene Ledonne
