New instrument time

Randy Hurst, left, shows Shanda Stratton and Alex Stratton clarinet options at the Clinton High School Band room.

(AP) —Authorities in Oklahoma and Missouri are investigating whether the BTK serial killer was responsible for other homicides, with their search leading them to dig this week near his former Kansas property in Park City.

Cardiac rehab helps recover physically, emotionally

Dear Doctors: My dad is recovering from a heart attack. He wants to get back to living his life, but I can tell he's worried. His doctors have suggested that he start doing a program called cardiac rehab. Will that help him? My mom and I have never heard of cardiac rehab and wonder what it involves.

Anonymous note about son’s hygiene angers parent

DEAR HARRIETTE: I have a friend or family member who wrote me an anonymous note telling me that I should teach my 13-year-old son to have better hygiene. I opened my mailbox last week and found it, and I started crying. My family and I live on a farm, and my son loves to spend a lot of time with our pigs, cows and goats.

(AP) – When Yevgeny Prigozhin launched his armed rebellion that challenged the Kremlin, Western officials predicted Russian President Vladimir Putin would seek vengeance against the mercenary leader.
