Snoring roommate wants to live together again

DEAR HARRIETTE: How do I go about telling my roommate that I no longer want to room with her because she snores too loudly? Our apartment lease is almost up, and we need to decide if we want to live together again and renew it. She told me she definitely wants to room together again because I was such a great roommate. She was, too. She does a really good job at cleaning up after herself and respecting my boundaries.

Politicize defense? Never!

There has been a highly political battle on Capitol Hill — actually, that's the only kind of battle they have on Capitol Hill — over U.S. defense policy and spending. The fight has been on two fronts: 1) passage of the yearly National Defense Authorization Act, which sets military spending levels; and 2) a Republican senator's decision to block Senate confirmation of military promotions until the Biden Pentagon changes its policy on abortion.

Friend concerned after woman’s panic attack

DEAR HARRIETTE: A few weeks ago, my friend had an extreme anxiety or panic attack that had me really frightened. We had to rush her to urgent care, and for a moment, I thought she was having a stroke. Although she was released from the hospital later, we haven't discussed it since. She seemed really embarrassed by the whole ordeal. I'm concerned for her well-being, and I'm unsure of how to bring up the subject without embarrassing her further. How do I ensure that she's seeking help for these issues without being invasive? — Very Concerned DEAR VERY CONCERNED:

Tracing the poison back to McVeigh

You'd like to think that in the wake of the farcical and failed Jan. 6, 2021, uprising to reverse the results of the 2020 presidential election, even the Republican Party had sobered up and right-wing conspiracy theories were fading from prominence in the United States.

COVID-19 moves from pandemic to endemic

Hello, dear readers, and welcome to a high-summer letters column. Wildfire smoke and heat waves are posing a challenge for many of us. If you're in an affected area, please take precautions. Limit outdoor or strenuous activities when possible, stay hydrated and check in with children and older adults, who are at particular risk in these conditions. We have several heat- and smoke-related questions in our inboxes and will be devoting columns to these topics in the weeks to come. And now, your letters.

Stepdad and stepdaughter relationship refresh

DEAR HARRIETTE: I got married to my current husband about 10 years ago. Before that, I had two children with my now-ex-husband. My current husband has really stepped up this past decade and become like a true father to my children.

The challenge of competing principles

Citing First Amendment concerns, federal judge Terry Doughty recently banned government officials from advising or encouraging social media executives to remove controversial content from their platforms.

People making assumptions about privilege

DEAR HARRIETTE: My parents separated when I was much younger. Growing up, I had one wealthy parent and one low-income parent, and I was raised by the latter. I find it frustrating when people make assumptions that I grew up spoiled just because of my wealthy parent. It hurts me to think that people might perceive me as privileged when that's not my reality. I find it rude to assume anyone's financial status, really. I usually let people make their assumptions, but it's always bothered me. Moving forward, how should I handle this? — Mind Your Business DEAR MIND YOUR BUSINESS:
