Looking at the wildcard Latino vote

Latinos are already Republicans, Ronald Reagan used to say, they just don’t know it yet. That ancient but insightful cliche hovers over the 2024 election. True, Joe Biden has already beaten Donald Trump once, and since then, the apparently inevitable Republican nominee has been indicted on 91 criminal charges in four different cases.

Apple empanadas only in the afternoon

Usually, just as I am getting close to leaving Mexico, I find some absolutely irresistible treat and have to eat it every single day until I leave.

Reader with racing heart can’t quit coffee

DEAR HARRIETTE: This year has been challenging for me. I started having heart palpitations and couldn't figure out why. After a bunch of tests, the doctor could not necessarily pinpoint the root cause of my problems, but he did tell me to stop drinking coffee because it seems to make my heart race. The thing is, I absolutely LOVE coffee, and I haven't been able to follow my doctor's orders. I do feel my heart racing sometimes after I drink it, but I still can't help myself. I don't want to create a major health problem for myself. I stopped doing the other things that the doctor warned me about. Why can't I keep just one vice? — Addicted to Coffee

In 1768, British explorer James Cook set sail from England on his first expedition to the southern Pacific Ocean.

Gut-brain axis plays part in nervous stomach

Dear Doctors: Sometimes when I get nervous, my stomach will knot up and start to ache. Sometimes I even get diarrhea, which is embarrassing. Why does that happen? Should I see a doctor? I'd like to know about any natural remedies that might help, and also any medications.
