Will Rogers Says

If we could just send the same bunch of men to Washington for the good of the nation, and not for political reasons, we could have the most perfect government in the world. — 1924

Dessert is an indulgence, and when you delight in the taste, texture and aroma of a decadent sweet treat, you savor every bite. It is easy to get lost in the flavor and fragrance of rich chocolate or creamy caramel.

There are five basic taste categories the taste buds perceive:

Sweetness is recognized by the presence of sugar. It is very predominant in desserts, but also creates great contrast with salty and sour.

Pear and Brie Honey Tartlets

Makes about 2 dozen tartlets

Brie has creamy texture and is a soft-ripened cheese with mild flavor

Honey adds sweetness and balances the cheese flavor

Pear also adds sweetness

Cardamom adds a slight bitter note

If you've just squeezed a bunch of lemons to make a batch of lemonade or salad dressing, don't toss the rinds into the compost yet. Instead, fill a large stock pot with water and squeezed lemons, and bring it to a boil.

Super Bowl ad was a lesson on life

We found a baby girl for your adoption, but there are some “ things you will need to know. She's in Siberia, and she was born with a rare condition. Her legs will need to be amputated. I know this is difficult to hear. Her life, it won't be easy."

We were willing to accept whichever plan the Oklahoma Department of Transportation selected for the new I-40 interchange in Clinton because ODOT is the highway expert, not us.

The choice facing Republicans

Legally, Donald Trump was acquitted by the U.S. Senate. But politically, he has been found guilty by the American public. And the clash between those two judgments is creating a jagged split right down the middle of the Republican Party.
