People in most parts of the United States set their clocks ahead one hour on Sunday so that darkness falls later in the day, a seasonal shift that is enforced by the federal government.

Freedom is tested once again

Albert Einstein, who knew something about how the world works, believed that freedom "is only possible by constantly struggling for it."

Welcoming the Ukrainian refugees

Avram Rogowsky grew up in Bialystok, then a part of the Russian Empire and now in Poland, near its eastern border with Belarus. In 1914, he escaped from the czar's army, boarded a ship for Palestine and planned to send for his betrothed, Miriam Wasilsky. When Avram finally reached the Holy Land, however, he found a deeply unsettled political landscape, unfit for a new bride. So he sent Miriam a message: Change of plans, meet me in Brooklyn. Two years later, they had a son named Wilfred. He was my father.

A year before Roe vs. Wade

As her father, I too loved Susan and will remember as long as I have a memory the day we picked her up at Hope Cottage in Dallas a day or two after she turned two months old.

Half of senate bills die in committee

We’ve officially surpassed our first deadline of the legislative session. March 3, was the deadline to advance Senate bills from our committees, meaning any measure that did not receive a hearing or did not receive enough votes to pass out of committee will not go any further in the legislative process this session.

Shifting with the political wind

As I write, a 40-mile-long convoy of Russian "peacekeepers" – i.e., tanks, armored personnel carriers and mobile artillery – was approaching Kyiv with the clear intent of bludgeoning the Ukrainian people into surrender. The dead-eyed little killer in the Kremlin is too fearful to back down.

The value of studying history

We have just heard the president's State of the Union address. It was delivered in a fraught time by a man freighted with responsibility. He hit the right notes and struck the right tone. We have domestic differences, to be sure, but we are united in our disdain for Vladimir Putin, his expansionist impulses, his delusional view of history. Men and women of both parties generally applauded at the appropriate times. It was the sort of American moment that is rare in today's America.

We are all witnesses

Many are calling Russia's invasion of Ukraine the TikTok “ war," reports CNN.

Okla., U.S. owe a lot to Sen. Inhofe

I was surprised but not shocked when U.S. Sen. Jim Inhofe announced he would be ending his more than 35-year career representing our Oklahoma values in the nation’s Capitol. The first time I met Inhofe was in my office at the Sand Springs Leader in 1989 while he was serving in the U.S. House of Representatives.
