Clinton Public Schools have been the leader in COVID-19 protection and protocol during the pandemic that has gripped the nation, state and the Hub City for more than a year.

A legislative race to the finish line

It’ll be a race to the finish line the next couple of weeks as we diligently work alongside the House of Representatives to complete the Fiscal Year 2022 budget, which will begin on July 1.

Brother’s gradual weight gain worries sibling

DEAR HARRIETTE: My brother has been really depressed lately and is gaining a lot of weight as a result. I've noticed him eating a lot and not exercising at all. It's been gradual; since last November, he's been slowly gaining more and more weight. I think losing our great-aunt may have triggered this depression. They were very close, and he really hasn't been the same since she died. I'm concerned for his health and his happiness. Losing control of his weight may worsen his depression. How can I intervene with out upsetting him or making him feel bad? — Intervening

Today is the 132nd day of 2021 and the 54th day of spring.

Today is the 131st day of 2021 and the 53rd day of spring.

The City of Clinton is expected to be all things to all people. Simply put, that isn’t possible!

New district could produce senator from Custer County

The recently released new district maps for the Oklahoma State Legislature have big news for us here in Custer County: our whole county has been reunited in the same senate district, and for the first time in 40 years, our district does not include the City of Altus.
