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Dear Doctor: My granddaughters are absolutely crazy about soccer. They’re constantly trying to outdo each other with their maneuvers, and now one is trying to learn to “head” the ball. But isn’t that dangerous, especially for girls?

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DEAR ABBY: I was married to my first husband for 13 years and was very close to his family. His parents and sister were like my own. We ended up divorcing, and it was an extremely painful situation on both sides.

The Oklahoma Insurance Department is ready to help anyone affected by the recent severe weather and is encouraging others to get ready for the next round of storms. This week, the Oklahoma Insurance Department kicked off a new preparedness program called “Get Ready.”

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Southwest Elementary fourth-graders, from left, Iselda Louds, Kimber Basler, Navaeh Cryer, Jessica Borjas and Jaycee Williams perform at a recent school assembly.

In 1886, a labor demonstration in Chicago’s Haymarket Square turned violent when a bomb exploded and demonstrators began rioting.

In 1959, the first Grammy Awards were held.

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“The recession talk in late 2018 got way, way out of hand,” New York Times economic reporter Neil Irwin tweeted a few days ago. Indeed it did.

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Every month, I and most other business owners have to go online and submit a payroll withholding report to the fine folks at the IRS.

Then they rummage around my checking account in search of however much money is stated in the report.
