Here's your preview of Wednesday's CDN

- County burn ban continues 2 more weeks

- Relay for Life set for Friday

- Snider offers up Little Red Wagon to help clothing needs

- Reds exterminate Yellowjackets

- Obituary for Betty Cabaniss , Ellen Riley

Taking time to reminisce

Randy Meacham, left, and Florona Cabaniss told the story of Ellis Cabaniss during the annual Clinton Cemetery walk that took place Monday. The graves of Cabaniss and others buried in the local cemetery that were on this years walk were visited and people had the opportunity to learn about the lives of these people. CDN

Southwestern Oklahoma State University is set to hold its annual Relay for Life of Beckham and Custer counties this Friday starting at 6 p.m. at the Wellness Center on campus located at 1101 N. Broadway St. in Weatherford.

With no real discernable rainfall experienced lately the Custer County Board of County Commissioners issued a continuance Monday of the burn ban for the county.

New era begins

Corn Bible Academy celebrated its first day of school at the new Clinton location by holding a ribbon cutting ceremony Tuesday morning. The ribbon was cut by student council vice president Katelyn Gossen and student council president Sofia Schmidt. CDN

Snider offers up Little Red Wagon to help clothing needs

Clinton has a new small business that sells women and children’s clothing by the name of The Little Red Wagon located at 421 Frisco Ave. The boutique is open Tuesday through Friday from 10 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.
