The only way Trump will be defeated is ...

With the election a year away, Democrats have a lot to cheer about. The latest Washington Post/ABC poll shows Joe Biden trouncing Donald Trump by a staggering 17 percent among all voters.

Southwestern Oklahoma State University’s Native American Student Association (NASA) has several events lined up on the Weatherford campus in honor of Native American Heritage Month in November.

The public is invited to the following events.

It’s important to wear masks to protect from wildfire smoke


Dear Doctor: Is wildfire smoke really that dangerous? We’re in northern Idaho and our town has been handing out face masks, but I’ve heard they don’t really do much. What should I do to keep our family safe?


Tuesday Clinton voters will decide on two issues that are vital to the future of our city. Proposition 1 asks voters to consider renewing the electric utility franchise with Public Service Company.
