Daughter finds happiness by ghosting mother, siblings

DEAR ABBY: I’m in my mid-30s and about a year ago I went from limited contact to no contact with two siblings and my mother. No single incident caused this, nor was there any history of childhood abuse, etc. I just find I am much happier without their presence in my life.

Bright student doubting potential

DEAR HARRIETTE: I have just started another semester at college. So far, it has been decent. The courses I am taking are a bit more challenging, but at least I have really good professors.

Friend doubts herself after weight-loss surgery

DEAR HARRIETTE: My best friend is the most beautiful girl that I know. She is funny, smart and an amazing singer. I’ve known her since we were in the sixth grade, so she is basically my sister. Lately, she has been down, and it is mostly due to her weight.

Spring is just around the corner, which means that so too is Daylight Saving Time (DST). While many people look forward to the start of DST all winter long seeing it as a marker of warmer, longer days ahead, making the actual shift is not always so simple for your body, mind or schedule.

Woman feels little connection to mom begging for money

DEAR ABBY: I was born into a poor family, and my father gave me up for adoption to his wellto-do sister. My narcissistic adoptive mother severely abused me physically, mentally and emotionally as a child, and tormented me financially as an adult. I no longer speak to her.

Spring, for some families, means packing bags and heading to the airport for a getaway. However, flying with young children can be stressful.

Husband is unsettled by his attraction to another man

DEAR ABBY: I am a 57-year-old married man. I share a house with my wife and daughter. After dinner last month, my wife and I had a big fight. I can’t believe the things we said. In 30 years, it has never gone that far.

Scholarly reader wants to find love

DEAR HARRIETTE: I have never been in a relationship. I am almost 20, and I have never experienced romance. Many of my friends have already had boyfriends or girlfriends, gotten involved in summer flings or even found their life partners. I, on the other hand, have dated various books, ranging from F. Scott Fitzgerald to Mark Twain. I care more about my education than anything else, so I’ve never had time to be in a proper relationship.
