Woman ashamed to have health issues

DEAR HARRIETTE: I am 60 years old, and I feel like I am fitting a stereotype for too many people my age. A few years ago, I started having little

Reader doesn’t want to offer advice

DEAR HARRIETTE: My girlfriend has been confiding in me about her sex life with her husband. He has erectile dysfunction, and she is upset about it. He won’t go to

Arthritis pain may be relieved by prolotherapy

Dear Doctor: I’m a 66-year-old man whose right knee really hurts from arthritis. My sister keeps talking about something called prolotherapy. What is it, and can it help? Dear Reader:


There is no better place to be during the holidays than right here in Clinton, Oklahoma! It is hard to believe Thanksgiving is only five days away and in 32 days we will celebrate Christmas.

Dreamers need life of certainty in United States

The Supreme Court conducted another review of President Trump's attempts to end the undocumented immigrant program aimed at letting young people known as "Dreamers" stay in the U.S.

Taking kids shopping so they can run, jump, scream, yell

If you know anything about children and cats, you know they are one thing: fastidious. When you put a child in the ball pit at the local fast-food restaurant, you can bet that every ball will be licked clean and ready for the next child to play with.
