Cats love us on their terms

Given the time and money people lavish on their pets, it's remarkable how little we appear to understand them. Recently at the dog park, for example, I watched a woman with an enormous Great Dane puppy doing everything in her power to turn him into a fear-biter.


• If you're choosing plants for your landscaping or garden, there are two purple flowering ones you should avoid. One is called wisteria. It's a beautiful vine with gorgeous flowers, but it's invasive and can kill native plants and trees by choking them to death.

Grandchild feels guilty for not calling grandmother

DEAR HARRIETTE: I'm feeling torn and guilty about something that happened recently. My grandma turned 80, and while I knew it was a significant milestone, I didn't call her to wish her a happy birthday. The truth is, my grandma and I aren't particularly close, and to complicate matters, she struggles with mental health issues that make it challenging to have a conversation with her.

The problem with secret weapons

Down in the polls, facing calls from his own party to step away from the 2024 presidential campaign, and struggling to keep his party together on the Israel-Hamas war, Joe Biden nonetheless may possess a secret weapon. It's the Republicans.

Formerly infatuated friend ready to move on

DEAR HARRIETTE: I have been infatuated with someone for far too long — years, actually. Recently, though, I have come to see this man for who he is: an opportunist, a user, someone who thinks mostly about himself. This hurts to realize, but it also helps me create some distance. I heard from him recently, and I wasn't as responsive as usual. He said that in the past I was always immediately quick to reply. That's true. He acted hurt. I've been hurt for years. Do I have that come-to-Jesus meeting that we probably need, or do I just let it go and accept that we are in different places? Do you think that if I tell him how he has taken me for granted for years, he will understand? — Next Steps DEAR NEXT STEPS: From your newfound perspective, your behavior is already showing this man that you have changed. It may benefit you both if you say out loud where you are.

Right reason, wrong person

When Ronna McDaniel, the former chairman of the Republican National Committee, was hired by NBC, network executive Carrie Budoff Brown explained: 'It couldn't be a more important moment to have a voice like Ronna's on the team. ... She will support our leading coverage by providing an insider's perspective on national politics and on the future of the Republican Party.'

Perfection is not always perfect

Iwas lying in bed the other night in the little apartment my husband, Peter, and I rent in Mexico, and thinking that things were perfect. Then I wondered what that meant.

Single person considers lowering lofty expectations

DEAR HARRIETTE: I've always had a clear picture in my mind of what I want in a partner and for my future. A recent conversation with a friend has left me questioning whether my standards are perhaps too high, especially considering my age.
