Smokers more likely to develop heart failure

Dear Doctors: Our mom is 76 years old, and she just learned that she has congestive heart failure. She's scared it means she's going to die soon. What happens in congestive heart failure? She was a heavy smoker for much of her life.

Employee weighs benefits of career change

DEAR HARRIETTE: I find myself in a difficult situation regarding my career decisions. Currently, I am employed in a job that is incredibly stressful, but it pays well. However, I have been contemplating a change to a different business or career path that may not offer the same level of financial compensation, because I just don't know how long I can do this job. This decision has left me feeling uncertain and worried about the steps I should take to pursue this change. I am torn between the comfort of financial stability and the desire for a more fulfilling and satisfying career path. It is a challenging decision to make, and I am weighing the pros and cons carefully before taking any definitive action. Kindly give me some insights. — Money or Fulfillment DEAR MONEY OR FULFILLMENT: I recently spoke to a health care professional about the various health crises that many people are experiencing today.

In 1830, Joseph Smith established the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Fayette, N.Y.

Mention the word “politics” and the first inclination is for people to wrinkle their noses in disgust. Then a little colorful language could follow and an unwarranted 15-minute discourse often takes place.

‘Difficult conversation’ threatens free speech

Democratic Rep. Jamie Raskin of Maryland is perhaps the leading Trump inquisitor in the House of Representatives. He led one impeachment, played a key role in another and helped produce the anti-Trump reality series that was the Jan. 6 committee. So when Raskin proposes to give a speech titled 'Democracy, Autocracy, and the Threat to Reason in the 21st Century,' you can probably guess what it is going to be about.

Cats love us on their terms

Given the time and money people lavish on their pets, it's remarkable how little we appear to understand them. Recently at the dog park, for example, I watched a woman with an enormous Great Dane puppy doing everything in her power to turn him into a fear-biter.
